Spell Slots 5e Multiclass

Gain access to spell slots of up to 5th level. (Arcane Trickster, Eldritch Knight) – Add 1/3 of class level total (rounded down) to the multiclass spellcaster level. Warlocks are special due to their Pact Magic class feature granting them the ability to use magic instead of the Spellcasting feature like other full casters. Finally, at level 5, you get 3rd level spell slots that recharge on short rest. This is especially good for Fiend warlocks, as their subclass spell list includes Fireball. All these features add up to the most flexible multiclass dip. Pairing well with bard, fighter, paladin, sorcerer, wizard, and rogue, this dip blows away the competition.

  1. D D 5e Multiclass Spell Slots
  2. Spell Slots 5e Multiclass
  3. Dnd 5e Spell Slots Multiclass
  4. Warlock Multiclass Spell Slots 5e
  5. 5e Multiclass Spell Slots Calculator

“What are you playing tonight?” my party asked as I set a bulging tote bag on the table.

“A Barbarian,” I said, smiling.

“So what’s the ukulele for?”

Dungeons & Dragons’ Fifth Edition made multiclassing much easier than previous editions. Too easy, in fact. One summer evening my Dungeon Master (DM) and I took this to its logical conclusion: “Could you take a level in every class?”

I filed this in the Bag of Holding marked “never going to happen.” Then one of the players in my regular group, frustrated by waiting months for high-level features, offered to DM a one-shot adventure with 15th-level characters. “And yes,” she said, “You need to multiclass in everything.”

So was born Maxwell Minimus, the Everyman, a Frankenstein of a character with at least one level in every player class. I haven’t multiclassed a character since.

*As a note, this guide is based on the Player’s Handbook and excludes additional races or subclasses from Volo’s Guide to Monsters or Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.


What else but human? A +1 to every stat gives them the highest total starting bonus in the game, and we don’t need to be specific to any one stat.

Ability Scores

In order to take a level in a given class, we need at least a 13 in its primary stat – Charisma for Warlocks and Sorcerors, Dexterity for Rogues and so on. For this build, we need a 13 in everything except, oddly, Constitution. Using a point buy instead of the standard array we can afford a stat block of 11-12-13-13-13-13. Adding the racial bonus, we have just what we need, if we put the 12 in Constitution. I left the 13 in Intelligence, since most of the level 1 spells that use that stat arcane casters are focused on utility instead of attacks or saving throws.

Keep in mind that ability score improvements are fourth-level class features. With 15 levels to work with and 12 classes to cover, we won’t ever get one. Settle in, friends – this is us for life.


The character we’re building has literally no special skills comparative to other adventurers at this level. I figure the most likely way for someone in the general medieval fantasy setting of D&D to get that way is to come from privilege, so Noble it is. This also leaves us with the most starting wealth to work with.


For a one-shot, starting equipment is a pretty fluid option; often it doesn’t even come up unless you can find a clever, oddball use for it the DM might like. In either case, you’re best off taking the starting money rather than an equipment pack, especially since you’ll need a variety of components and focuses for the spell-casting classes.

Leveling Up

Here’s the full class list for a level 15 all-class build, given in order of acquisition. The subclass options are given in italics. I’ve chosen the order and subclasses for the utility of their low-level features, and for the maximum number of skill proficiencies possible. Notice that I’ve taken the non-casters first and the casters second, with Wizard being first of the latter group.

  • Monk 3, Way of the Open Hand: This subclass provides bonuses to attacks with finesse weapons, making your Dexterity-based attacks just as viable as Strength. Also, as it turned out, Dashing as a bonus action was the most useful thing I could do.
  • Barbarian 1: You’d think that you should start with the Barbarian to get the maximum possible hit points out of that d12 hit die, but the class comes with almost no starting skill proficiencies. Besides, hit points in this build mostly come from the Druid levels.
  • Fighter 1: Take the dueling style. Considering your Barbarian features, it’s most likely you’ll be weilding a single weapon, and the other fighting styles conflict with Unarmored Defense.
  • Paladin 1: Lay on Hands and Sense Evil and Good add some much-needed healing and utility to the build, but it’s not worth sinking another level into this class for the Oath features.
  • Ranger 1: Unfortunately this class’ features overlap almost completely with Fighter. But hey, we said every class.
  • Rogue 1: A little bit of rogue makes everything better. Always double your expertise in Perception if you can – it’s by far the most common check at the tables I’ve played at.
  • Wizard 1: Whereas subsequent classes allow you to take spells of levels for which you have slots, wizards get six level one spells as part of the “Spellbook” feature and must add them from there. Taking this level first means you can add spells of higher levels through other spellcasting features.
  • Bard 1, College of Valor: As a caster we’re pretty pitiful – not enough levels – so we’d get more use out of the College of Valor, which lets you use the Bardic Inspiration die for almost every kind of roll in the game.
  • Druid 2,Circle of the Moon: Again, choose the option that provides benefits other than to spellcasting features. Since we’re limited to low-level creatures, Wild Shape amounts to temporary hit points as a bonus action, making it an ideal improvement to the whole stack.
  • Warlock 1,Pact of the Great Old One: This pact provided some really interesting synergies. The Enlightened Mind feature will give us the option to communicate telepathically even while in Wild Shape; my DM even agreed to consider this the verbal component of spells (not what I would have done, but the DM’s always right).
    • Note that Pact Magic is a different feature than Spellcasting, substituting a small number of increasingly-powerful spells for higher-level slots, and so does not contribute to the total count of levels used to calculate your spell slots.
  • Cleric 1,War Domain: Since most of our levels are frontline melee fighters, we’ll get the most use out of the War Domain’s level one feature, War Priest. This gives us the option to attack as a bonus action, which stands in for the multi-attack feature.
  • Sorceror 1,Wild Magic origin: I have two reasons for choosing this origin. One, the single luck point is the most generally helpful feature available in the Sorceror class. Two, rolling on the Wild Magic table is one of my favorite things in the game.


Every spellcasting class has the option to just add a number of cantrips to your list, and there’s no restriction on the number of total number of cantrips you can know. Always pick the class’ signature cantrips – Vicious Mockery for Bard, Sacred Flame for Cleric, Mage Hand for Wizard, and so on.

Choose spells whose damage scales with your character level and utility spells. Your save is too low to do any real damage, so focus on ways to mess up everyone’s life. Some highlights include Ice Knife from the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion, Hellish Rebuke, and Sanctuary. Here’s the full list I chose, in alphabetical order:

Absorb Elements, Armor of Agathys, Blade Ward, Control Flames, Cure Wounds, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Druidcraft, Eldritch Blast, Expeditious Retreat, Faerie Fire, Feather Fall, Fog Cloud, Friends, Guiding Bolt, Gust, Healing Word, Hellish Rebuke, Heroism, Ice Knife, Jump, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Mage Hand, Magic Missile, Magic Stone, Mold Earth, Resistance, Sacred Flame, Sanctuary, Shape Water, Shield, Spare the Dying, Thorn Whip, Thunderwave, Vicious Mockery


It’s spreadsheets all the way down! In order to make sure I wouldn’t forget a feature or modifier in this most hectic of games, I created an Excel sheet that listed:

  • Actions available on my turn, divided by action, bonus action, and reaction.
  • Attack and damage bonuses: For example, Barbarian Rage only applies a bonus to Strength-based melee weapon attacks, and most Monk features apply to unarmed strikes.
  • Spell lists: The sheer number of spells available at this level makes them difficult to manage. My table marked the spells as concentration or not, and by their attack bonus or save DC. Many of the classes base these numbers on different stats, and we have a lower Intelligence modifier.
  • Wild Shape options. A list of beasts by Challenge Rating is available directly from Wizards of the Coast, and I marked off the ones with a swimming or flying speed.

If you’d like to see these spreadsheets, I’ll release them on Google Drive – let me know using the tweet below!

Play test

In terms of game mechanics, this character was a total failure. This is literally the worst idea. My attack bonuses weren’t high enough to land a hit, and my spell DCs were too low to compel epic-tier monsters. I ended up juggling ki points and Wild Shapes to put pressure on the dragon we were fighting, in order to leave space for the well-built characters in the group.

From a roleplaying standpoint, on the other hand, the character was a roaring success. The night of the one-shot, I showed with my tote bag full of props, ranging from a big furry hat to wear during Barbarian rages to a ukulele for inspiring the party. I had a spectacular time copying other players’ turns, and they had a great time doing their things better. Shout out to our Bard for turning me into a T-rex so I could bite the dragon. I love D&D.

And of course, I added a tragic backstory. A high-level wizard abducted Maxwell from his quiet life at the monastery in an effort to craft the perfect adventurer. The poor man’s continual failures meant that about once a year, the wizard would recall him, wipe his memory, and send him out to adventure in a different discipline. The result of the process is a man who can only remember certain years of his life while using the skills he acquired during them.


What do you think? Do you agree with my choices, or would you have built this character a little differently? Let me know in the comments, and tell me if there’s a rules lawyer or a power gamer in your group who would enjoy the challenge!

This isn’t the only mad idea I’ve pulled out of the “Never Gonna Happen” bag of holding so far. Subscribe to Scintilla Studio for more RPG stories and resources like this one.

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I'm sure many of you have at one point or another wonder if there was a good way to level up past level 20 in 5e, I sure did. That's when I started looking for one, but to no avail. Unable to find any I decided to come up with one myself, I can't say for sure that this is well balanced but I hope you all enjoy.

  • 2Level 50
    • 2.1Artificer
    • 2.2Barbarian
    • 2.3Bard
    • 2.4Cleric
    • 2.5Druid
    • 2.6Fighter
    • 2.7Monk
    • 2.8Paladin
    • 2.9Ranger
    • 2.10Rogue
    • 2.11Sorcerer
    • 2.12Warlock
    • 2.13Wizard
  • The rules for levels below 21 are still the same. This set of variant rules applies only when characters reach level 21.
  • Level 50 becomes the new maximum character level a player can have.

D D 5e Multiclass Spell Slots

  • Ability scores now have a maximum of 30.
  • Upon reaching level 21, your proficiency bonus becomes +7, then increases to +8 at level 25, +9 at level 29, +10 at level 33, +11 at level 37, +12 at level 41, +13 at level 45, and +14 at level 49.
  • If a player continues leveling the same class through level 21 to 49, they gain epic boons at levels 21, 25, 29, 31, 35, 39, 41, 45, and 49, and ability score increases at levels 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, and 50. Any and all ability score improvements give 3 points rather than the traditional 2, and 4 points after level 40, or 2 feats if using the optional feats rule.
  • Cantrips that deal damage increase by 1 additional damage die at levels 22 (5), 28 (6), 35 (7), 39 (8), 45 (9), and 50 (10).
  • If you're a Dragonborn, your breath weapon moves up to 6d6 at 21st level, 7d6 at 26th level, 8d6 at 31st level, 9d6 at 36th level, 10d6 at 41st level, and 11d6 at 46th levels
  • Upon reaching past level 20 you may pick a second subclass. You gain the features of the subclass at level 20+the original features level. For example a Rouge with the Thief subclass would get Fast Hands at level 23, Supreme Sneak at level 29, and Thief's Reflexes at level 37.

If a player chooses to level up their class beyond level 20 and they don't multiclass, these are the features each class gains:


Additional Spells and Spell Slots:
  • You also gain additional cantrips at level 24 (5), level 28 (6), level 38 (7), and level 42 (8).

Spell Slots

  • Level 22 - 1 2nd level spell slot.
  • Level 30 - 1 3rd level spell slot.
  • Level 34 - 1 4th level spell slot.
  • Level 42 - 1 5th level spell slot.
  • Level 50 - 1 5th level spell slot.
Infusion and Infused Item Improvement:
  • You get another known infusion at level 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, and 47.
  • You get another infused item at level 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, and 46.
Spell Storing Item Improvement:
  • Your spell-storing item feature can use level three, four, and five spells at level 26, and the feature can be used on any equipment.
  • At level 30 you can use your spell-storing item feature a number of times equal to half your Intelligence score (rounded up).


Critical Hits:
  • At level 22, critical hits land on a roll of 19 - 20. Additionally At level 26, critical hits land on a roll of 18 - 20.
Strength and Constitution Score Increases:
  • Starting at level 32 and every 4th level onward, the maximum for your Strength and Constitution score increases by 2, and both scores are increased by 2.
Additional Rage Damage:
  • Your rage damage increases to +5 at level 27, +6 at level 34, +7 at level 41, and +8 at level 48.


Additional Spells and Spell Slots:
  • At level 21, you gan an additional spell. You gain one more spell every 2nd level (level 23, 25, 27 etc.).
  • You also gain additional cantrips at level 21 (5) and level 45 (6).

Spell Slots

  • Level 24 - 1 2nd level spell slot.
  • Level 26 - 1 3rd level spell slot.
  • Level 30 - 1 4th level spell slot.
  • Level 32 - 1 5th level spell slot.
  • Level 36 - 1 6th level spell slot.
  • Level 38 - 1 6th & 1 7th level spell slot.
  • Level 42 - 1 7th & 1 8th level spell slot.
  • Level 44 - 1 8th & 1 9th level spell slot.
  • Level 48 - 1 8th & 1 9th level spell slot.
  • Level 50 - 1 9th level spell slot.
Magical Secrets:
  • At level 26, you can learn four spells from any class. You can learn an additional four spells from any class at level 40.
Bardic Inspiration Improvement:
  • At level 30, a creature who uses your bardic inspiration dice gains advantage on the rolls.
  • Bardic inspiration increases to 1d20 at level 22, 2d12 at level 30, 2d20 at level 38, 3d12 at level 46, and 3d20 at level 50.


Additional Spells and Spell Slots:
  • You gain additional cantrips at level 21 (6) and level 45 (7).

Spell Slots

  • Level 24 - 1 2nd level spell slot.
  • Level 26 - 1 3rd level spell slot.
  • Level 30 - 1 4th level spell slot.
  • Level 32 - 1 5th level spell slot.
  • Level 36 - 1 6th level spell slot.
  • Level 38 - 1 6th & 1 7th level spell slot.
  • Level 42 - 1 7th & 1 8th level spell slot.
  • Level 44 - 1 8th & 1 9th level spell slot.
  • Level 48 - 1 8th & 1 9th level spell slot.
  • Level 50 - 1 9th level spell slot.
Extra Divinity Points:
  • At level 22, you gain an extra divinity point to use per day, again another extra divinity point at level 30, a third extra point at 38, and a 4th extra at level 46.
Divine Intervention Increase:
  • At level 26, after a long rest, roll 1d4 to determine the amount of divine interventions granted for the next 7 days.
Additional Domain:
  • At level 30, select a domain other than the one you started with. You gain access to the spells granted by that domain. Choose a spell from each line of the domain's spell table.


Additional Spells and Spell Slots:
  • You gain additional cantrips at level 21 (5) and level 45 (6).

Spell Slots

  • Level 24 - 1 2nd level spell slot.
  • Level 26 - 1 3rd level spell slot.
  • Level 30 - 1 4th level spell slot.
  • Level 32 - 1 5th level spell slot.
  • Level 36 - 1 6th level spell slot.
  • Level 38 - 1 6th & 1 7th level spell slot.
  • Level 42 - 1 7th & 1 8th level spell slot.
  • Level 44 - 1 8th & 1 9th level spell slot.
  • Level 48 - 1 8th & 1 9th level spell slot.
  • Level 50 - 1 9th level spell slot.
Plant and Beast Communication Improvement:
  • At level 22, you can always communicate with beasts and plants.
  • At level 30, all beasts and plants regard you as a god, either willingly serving or at the least, refusing to attack you.
Wild Shape Improvement:
  • At level 26, the max CR of your wild shape increases by 1 (land = CR 2, moon = CR 9), it increases by 1 again every 3 levels. level 29: (land = CR 3, moon = CR 13), again at level 32 (land = CR 4, moon = CR 15), ecet,


Additional Indomitable and Second Wind Charges:
  • At level 22, you gain an additional charge of indomitable (4) and second wind. At level 32, you gain an additional charge of action surge (3) and second wind (3). At level 47, you gain an additional charge of action surge (4).
Strength and Dexterity Score Improvements:
  • Starting at level 26 and each 4th level onward, your maximum for your Strength and Dexterity scores increase by 2, and each increases by 2.
Additional Extra Attacks:
  • At level 30, you gain an additional extra attack (4). At level 40, you gain an additional extra attack (5). At level 50, you gain an additional extra attack (6).
Damage Immunities and Resistances:
  • At level 38, you gain immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.
  • At level 42, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from magical weapons.
  • At level 46, you gain immunity to three damage types of your choice.
  • At level 50 choose one damage type you aren't resistant or immune from, you gain vulnerability to that damage, all other damage types you don’t already resist or immune, you gain resistance to those damage, all damage you resist before gaining this feature, you gain immunity to those damage, all immunes you have before gaining this feature, you gain absorption to those damage.


Martial Arts and Ki Point Increase
  • At level 21, your martial arts die increases to 1d12, then 2d8 at level 29, 1d12 + 1d6 at level 33, 1d20 at level 37, and 2d12 at level 45
  • Additionally at level 21, your maximum number of ki points is 21, and increase by 1 per monk level.
Perfect Self and Empty Body Improvement:
  • At level 22, the effects of perfect self and empty body are doubled (the number of Ki points required isn't doubled). Additionally at level 46, the effects of perfect self and empty body are quadrupled (the number of Ki points required is doubled).
Movement Speed Increase:
  • At level 24, Movement speed increases to 35 feet, and you can walk and stand on walls, ceilings, and liquid without falling. Your movement speed increases by an additional 5 feet every 4th level (level 28, 32 etc).
  • Additionally at level 42, jumping distance is doubled, you can sprint using a bonus action, and your unarmed attacks reach increases by 5 feet.
Ki Point Improvement:
  • At level 30, whenever you use an action that requires spending ki points, roll 1d4. If the result is a 3 or a 4, cut the ki cost of that action in half, rounding up. Additionally, at level 50 You have no max ki points and when recovering all ki from sleep you get ki = your old max multiplied by 2.


Additional Spell Slots:

Spell Slots

  • Level 22 - 1 2nd level spell slot.
  • Level 30 - 1 3rd level spell slot.
  • Level 34 - 1 4th level spell slot.
  • Level 42 - 1 5th level spell slot.
  • Level 50 - 1 5th level spell slot.
Aura of Protection Improvement:
  • At level 22, the range of your auras of protection and courage increase to 100 feet.
Healing Aura Feature:
  • At level 30, all friendly creatures within 30 feet of you are healed a number of hit points per minute equal to their Constitution modifier + their proficiency bonus (minimum 1). This feature does not heal you, and if a friendly creature leaves the range, the minute timer pauses for that creature until it re-enters your aura.
Sacred Oath Improvement:
  • You can channel divinity up to three times before having to rest at level 30, and four times at level 40.


Additional Spells and Spell Slots:
  • At level 21, you gain an additional spell. You gain one more spell every 2nd level (level 23, 25, 27 etc.).

Spell Slots

  • Level 22 - 1 2nd level spell slot.
  • Level 30 - 1 3rd level spell slot.
  • Level 34 - 1 4th level spell slot.
  • Level 42 - 1 5th level spell slot.
  • Level 50 - 1 5th level spell slot.
Feral Senses Increase:
  • At level 22, feral senses increase to 60 feet. At level 35, feral senses increases to 100 feet.
Hide in Plain Sight Improvement:
  • At level 26, while camouflaged, you can move at half speed and remain camouflaged. At level 34, you can camouflage yourself using your whole turn (6 seconds) instead of 1 minute. At level 38, you can take either an action or a bonus action and stay camouflaged, but not both.
Dexterity Score Improvements:
  • Starting at level 26 and each 4th level onward, your maximum for your Dexterity scores increase by 2, and your Dexterity score also increases by 2.
Favored Enemy or Natural Explorer Improvement:
  • At level 30, choose either favored enemy or natural explorer. If you chose favored enemy, all known types of monsters (except for humanoids) are treated as favored enemies. If you chose natural explorer, all terrain types are treated as favored terrain. You gain the other choice at level 42.
Critical Strike
  • At level 30, if you havent attacked yet this turn, you can focus on a single attack, and sacrifice your extra attack to choose to turn your attack into a critical hit once per long rest.


Blindsense Increase:
  • Your blindsense increases to 20 feet at level 22, 30 feet at level 30, 40 feet at level 35, 50 feet at level 40, and 60 feet at level 50.
Sneak Attack Increase:
  • Your sneak attack die increases to 6d12 at level 23. It then increases by an additional d12 every 4th level (7d12 at level 27, 8d12 at level 31 etc.).
Stroke of Luck Improvement:
  • You can use Stroke of luck twice per short or long rest at level 26, and three times a per short or long rest at level 40.
  • At level 30, if you use the stroke of luck to turn a missed attack roll into a hit, you can treat it as a Sneak Attack.
Additional Expertise:
  • At level 34 you can chose and additional 2 skills you have proficiency in or one skill and your proficiency in thieves tools and double your proficiency modifier, If you do not have any skills without expertise gain proficiency in a skill You gain another additional expertise at level 44


Additional Spells and Spell Slots:
  • At level 21, you gan an additional spell. You gain one more spell every 2nd level (level 23, 25, 27 etc.).
  • You also gain additional cantrips at level 21 (7) and level 45 (8).

Spell Slots

  • Level 24 - 1 2nd level spell slot.
  • Level 26 - 1 3rd level spell slot.
  • Level 30 - 1 4th level spell slot.
  • Level 32 - 1 5th level spell slot.
  • Level 36 - 1 6th level spell slot.
  • Level 38 - 1 6th & 1 7th level spell slot.
  • Level 42 - 1 7th & 1 8th level spell slot.
  • Level 44 - 1 8th & 1 9th level spell slot.
  • Level 48 - 1 8th & 1 9th level spell slot.
  • Level 50 - 1 9th level spell slot.
Sorcery Point Improvement:
  • At level 21, your maximum amount of sorcery points is equal to your sorcerer level.
  • At level 26, when you roll for initiative, you regain half expended sorcery points (rounded up).
Sorcery Point Spell Slot Improvement:
  • Additionally at level 21, you can now create 1st level spell slots for 2 points, 2nd level for 3 points, 3rd level for 4 points, 4th level for 5 points, 5th level for 6 points, 6th level for 7 points, 7th level for 8 points, 8th level for 9 points, and 9th level for 10 points.
  • At level 50 you may now convert spell slots of lower level into higher ones. Example: converting two level one spell slots into one level 2 spell slot, the spell slots don't have to be of the same level and can work down or up, you can also convert something like a sixth level spell slot and a third level spell slot to a ninth level spell slot, or convert a ninth level spell slot into a sixth and a third, or a seventh and second, ect.


Additional Spells and Spell Slots:
  • At level 21, you gain an additional spell. You gain one more spell every 2nd level (level 23, 25, 27 etc.).
  • You also gain additional cantrips at level 21 (7) and level 45 (8).
  • You also gain additional Spell Slot at level 21 (5), 31 (6), 41 (7) and level 50 (8).
Eldritch Invocation Increase:

At level 21, the number of eldritch invocation you can know is increased by 4. This increases to 6 at level 30, 8 at level 40, and 10 at level 50.

Eldritch Master Increase:
  • At level 26, you can use eldritch master twice between long rests.
  • At level 30, when you use eldritch master, you also regain spells that you have cast through mystic arcanum.
Mystic Arcanum Increase:
  • At level 40, double the amount of arcanum known at each spell level.


Additional Spells and Spell Slots:
  • You gain additional cantrips at level 21 (7) and level 45 (8).

Spell Slots

  • Level 24 - 1 2nd level spell slot.
  • Level 26 - 1 3rd level spell slot.
  • Level 30 - 1 4th level spell slot.
  • Level 32 - 1 5th level spell slot.
  • Level 36 - 1 6th level spell slot.
  • Level 38 - 1 6th & 1 7th level spell slot.
  • Level 42 - 1 7th & 1 8th level spell slot.
  • Level 44 - 1 8th & 1 9th level spell slot.
  • Level 48 - 1 8th & 1 9th level spell slot.
  • Level 50 - 1 9th level spell slot.
D d 5e multiclass spell slots
Signiture Spell Improvement:
  • At level 22, when you cast a signature spell, you can choose one of the following effects to add to it:
  • - Halve the range, area of effect, or spell duration, and double the number of dice used and bonuses added.
  • - Double the range, area of effect (if the spell has one), or spell duration, and halve the number of dice used and bonuses added(rounded up).
  • - Your spell save DC = 8 + double your proficiency bonus + your spell attack bonus, and halve the dice used and bonuses added.
  • - Your spell save DC = 8 + your spellcasting modifier, and double the dice used and bonuses added.

Spell Slots 5e Multiclass

Arcane Tradition Increase:

Dnd 5e Spell Slots Multiclass

  • At level 30, select a second arcane tradition, gaining all the benefits therein.
Spell Mastery Increase:

Warlock Multiclass Spell Slots 5e

  • At level 36, you gain mastery over one 3rd and 4th level spell.

The adventurers, now known throughout the material plane and possibly even beyond, have stricken fear into beasts aligned to lawful evil, such that they begin working together, sending hoards of monsters after the PCs and even manipulating chaotic evil beasts in their plans to stop the party. This may not be know to the players at first, but they learn through events or talking to certain NPCs, such as their patrons who warn them of the danger, sparking the party to set out to defeat the evil band of beasts that have rallied against them. Maybe things in the world are too peaceful with no reports of attacks anywhere in the world other than by insignificant beasts, and it appears that only the adventurers are being attacked. Any way you play it out, just make encounters harder, maybe having dragons or other powerful creatures of lawful neutral or true neutral alignment help the adventurers on this new quest.

Something else that may help with encounters is using or making homebrew monsters and creatures that have a CR rating higher than the traditional 5e CR 30 or make NPCs with opposing alignments to the players that are at levels of 30. I recommend using the Mythic Monsters (5e Variant Rule) to 'help' make your monsters as it doesn't go into full detail of the monsters that would be classified under this. Maybe you could use this to make a new dragon type, such as a bone dragon that through certain means has become undead and thus has lived long enough to become even more powerful than it was in life (similar to that of a beholder becoming a death tyrant). --FatalScythe 12:47, 6 October 2016 (MDT)

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LevelTotal Required

5e Multiclass Spell Slots Calculator

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